Turkish Lira (TRY) Exchange Rate

The Lira price today, on Saturday 22 February 2025 at 23:15, is 0.03 Tether.

EZDEX is your trusted source for the latest and most accurate Turkish Lira (TRY) exchange rates and prices. We provide real-time exchange rates for Turkish Lira against major global currencies, including USD, EUR, GBP, and digital currencies. Our rates are updated continuously to ensure you have access to the most current information.

TL Exchange Rates

Turkish Lira is a vital currency in the global financial market, especially in the context of regional trade and economic activities. Understanding the exchange rate dynamics of the Turkish Lira can help you manage business finances and personal planning. In addition to current exchange rates, we offer table for different amounts exchange rate trends and calculator to check TRY price against all currencies as fast as possible.

1 Lira0.03 Tether
5 Lira0.14 Tether
10 Lira0.27 Tether
25 Lira0.69 Tether
50 Lira1.37 Tether
100 Lira2.74 Tether
500 Lira13.71 Tether
1000 Lira27.43 Tether
5000 Lira137.15 Tether
10000 Lira274.3 Tether
US DollarUS Dollar(USD)
1 Lira0.03 US Dollar
5 Lira0.14 US Dollar
10 Lira0.27 US Dollar
25 Lira0.69 US Dollar
50 Lira1.37 US Dollar
100 Lira2.74 US Dollar
500 Lira13.71 US Dollar
1000 Lira27.43 US Dollar
5000 Lira137.15 US Dollar
10000 Lira274.3 US Dollar
1 Lira0.03 Euro
5 Lira0.13 Euro
10 Lira0.26 Euro
25 Lira0.66 Euro
50 Lira1.31 Euro
100 Lira2.62 Euro
500 Lira13.11 Euro
1000 Lira26.21 Euro
5000 Lira131.07 Euro
10000 Lira262.14 Euro